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The Question of the Felonious Friend

Lingua IngleseInglese
Digitale Digitale
Digitale The Question of the Felonious Friend E. J. Copperman
Codice Libristo: 15727385
Casa editrice AUDIBLE STUDIOS ON BRILLIANCE, febbraio 2017
"Is Richard Handy really my friend?" It's been one year, two weeks, and three days since Samuel Hoen... Descrizione completa
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"Is Richard Handy really my friend?" It's been one year, two weeks, and three days since Samuel Hoenig opened the doors of Questions Answered. The personality traits of his Asperger's Syndrome help him maintain objectivity - a critical component

Informazioni sul libro

Titolo completo The Question of the Felonious Friend
Lingua Inglese
Rilegatura Digitale - Digitale
Data di pubblicazione 2017
EAN 9781536673715
ISBN 1536673714
Codice Libristo 15727385
Peso 73
Dimensioni 136 x 170 x 15
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