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Easy Learning German Complete Grammar, Verbs and Vocabulary (3 books in 1): Trusted support for learning (Collins Easy Learning)

Lingua IngleseInglese
Libro elettronico Adobe ePub
Libro elettronico Easy Learning German Complete Grammar, Verbs and Vocabulary (3 books in 1): Trusted support for learning (Collins Easy Learning) Collins Dictionaries
Codice Libristo: 39535178
Casa editrice Collins, gennaio 2016
A handy 3-in-1 German study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners w... Descrizione completa
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A handy 3-in-1 German study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand German reference and revision guide.This book gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of German. The grammar, verb and vocabulary sections have been designed for all those learning German at school, in an evening class, for work or for leisure.Grammar: this section provides easily accessible information in an attractively presented layout. Key grammatical points are highlighted throughout the text as a means of reinforcement. Hundreds of examples of real German illustrate clearly the grammatical points being made. In addition, a full glossary gives clear and simple explanations of grammatical terminology.Verbs: you will find 127 fully conjugated regular and irregular verbs in this section. Each is self contained in a double-page spread showing all the major tenses. Major constructions and idiomatic phrases are given for all verb models, as well as hundreds of examples of real German to show you how verbs are used in context . An index contains thousands of verbs which are cross-referred to their conjugation model.Vocabulary: this handy section covering 50 topics (such as family, free time, careers, computing, education, food and drink, health, shopping) gives you all the vocabulary you need to communicate effectively in German.With its clear, user-friendly grammar, all the most important German verbs shown in full, and an extensive vocabulary guide, this book gives you all the elements to start speaking and writing with confidence in German.

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