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Kid's Box Level 3 Pupil's Book British English Caroline Nixon / In brossura
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Kid's Box Level 4 Pupil's Book British English Caroline Nixon / In brossura
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Kid's Box Level 1 Pupil's Book British English Caroline Nixon / In brossura
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Kid's Box Level 5 Pupil's Book British English Caroline Nixon / In brossura
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Kid's Box 2 Pupil's Book Caroline Nixon / In brossura
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Kid's Box 1 Activity Book Caroline Nixon / In brossura
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An update of the well-loved course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. The fun course for seriously good results!

This seven-level course delights children and inspires teachers with its bright ideas. Perfect for general use Kid's Box Second edition is now updated with new vocabulary and activities so that it fully covers the syllabus of the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. The Activity Book covers all the target language from the Pupil's Book. One YLE practice activity per unit familiarises children with the Starters test format.

An access code to an online platform unlocks games, supplementary grammar, vocabulary and reading activities, which can be tracked by the teacher.

Informazioni sul libro

Titolo completo Kid's Box Level 2 Activity Book with Online Resources British English
Lingua Inglese
Rilegatura Libro - Rigido
Data di pubblicazione 2017
Numero di pagine 100
EAN 9781316628751
ISBN 9781316628751
Codice Libristo 15455358
Peso 310
Dimensioni 219 x 276 x 6
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