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Super Minds Level 2 Student's Book with DVD-ROM

Lingua IngleseInglese
Libro In brossura
Libro Super Minds Level 2 Student's Book with DVD-ROM Herbert Puchta
Codice Libristo: 04434964
Casa editrice Cambridge University Press, febbraio 2012
Super Minds is a seven-level course for young learners. This exciting seven-level course, from a hig... Descrizione completa
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Super Minds is a seven-level course for young learners. This exciting seven-level course, from a highly experienced author team, enhances your students' thinking skills, improving their memory along with their language skills.

This Level 2 Student's Book includes visualisation exercises to develop creativity, cross-curriculum thinking with fascinating 'English for school' sections and lively stories that explore social values. The fabulous DVD-ROM features animated stories, interactive games and activities including videokes, lively songs with karaoke versions, and fun activities focusing on each unit's vocabulary and grammar.

Informazioni sul libro

Titolo completo Super Minds Level 2 Student's Book with DVD-ROM
Lingua Inglese
Rilegatura Libro - In brossura
Data di pubblicazione 2012
Numero di pagine 130
EAN 9780521148597
ISBN 0521148596
Codice Libristo 04434964
Peso 388
Dimensioni 219 x 276 x 6
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