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Macmillan Mathematics Level 1B Pupil's Book ebook Pack

Lingua IngleseInglese
Libro In brossura
Libro Macmillan Mathematics Level 1B Pupil's Book ebook Pack Paul Broadbent
Codice Libristo: 15707540
Casa editrice Macmillan Education, aprile 2016
The Pupil's Book pack provides a clear explanation of the key steps needed to learn specific skills... Descrizione completa
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The Pupil's Book pack provides a clear explanation of the key steps needed to learn specific skills and concepts, as well as practice, reinforcement and enrichment activities to consolidate these skills. Students are also taught the correct use of mathematical vocabulary and an electronic version of the print Student Book is included.

Informazioni sul libro

Titolo completo Macmillan Mathematics Level 1B Pupil's Book ebook Pack
Lingua Inglese
Rilegatura Libro - In brossura
Data di pubblicazione 2016
EAN 9781380000583
ISBN 9781380000583
Codice Libristo 15707540
Casa editrice Macmillan Education
Peso 336
Dimensioni 275 x 216 x 8
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